HELLAS EBPCS gladly and proudly presents Shoot-Off Greece & Shoot-Off Cyprus with official site https://www.shootoffgreece.com.gr/ the only exclusive distributor of Shoot-Off Products by Pierre Boutin (FRANCE) in Greece & Cyprus.
Greece like any other countries always had and will have many unique athletes in all fields of sports who can not achieve more due to circumstances and this is where Hellas EBPCS is trying to support, at this point, one talented Greek Olympic Trap Shooter Mr. Konstantinos Panagopoulos (Greece). Mr. Panagopoulos being sponsored by Hellas EBPCS from January 2018 and had participated in few imported international competitions and championships:
Training hard and working closely with Hellas EBPCS Mr. Panagopoulos has improved and achieved the minimum qualification score MQS ( ISSF - International Shooting Sport Federation - issf-sports.org ) that gives him a chance to participate in TOKYO 2020 OLYMPIC GAMES.