The education system in Greece is much organized as it is in the rest of Europe. The education system in is centralized. The Ministry of Education and Religion of Greece oversees the sphere of culture and science. Qualitative European education, innovative creative technologies and fresh ideas will help you how to get prestigious work and quickly move up the corporate ladder, and start your own successful business. Discover the green street!The education system in Greece is much organized as it is in the rest of Europe. The education system in is centralized. The Ministry of Education and Religion of Greece oversees the sphere of culture and science. Qualitative European education, innovative creative technologies and fresh ideas will help you how to get prestigious work and quickly move up the corporate ladder, and start your own successful business. Discover the green street!

Primary and secondary education lasts for 12 years, and is compulsory to the age of 15. Post secondary education is grouped into non-university level, university level first stage, university level second stage and university level third stage.



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