HELLAS EBPCS TAX & ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT is operating within the Greek territory, we offer expertise and top of the line services in the areas of auditing, accounting, taxation to businesses of any size; whether they seek to start a new company or provide growth to an existing organisation within Greece.
Developing and maintaining strong networks and valuable relationships with our clients remains our main target. This allows us to consistently meet the highest possible standards and respond to every situation and need in a proactive and actionable manner whilst maintaining our professional objectivity within Greece and Greek Law.
Offering limitless expertise to businesses of any scale, from international corporations to fledgling start-ups seeking help in creating a new company. Our local and international clients benefit from a uniquely designed service approach that offers:
- The highest professional standards of audit, tax, accounting and advisory services from a team of industry thought leaders.
- Constant and consistent communications and advice on every aspect and development of their business.
- Expertise gleaned from an ever expanding knowledge base on current issues and potential future challenges in the market.
(+30) 69-56-46-53-73