Foreign students from within the EU do not require a visa for entry into Greece. For longer periods of study, you may have to show proof of having sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay. Most other nationalities will need a visa for stays longer than 90 days. You will receive more exact information from your nearest Greek embassy. Should you be required to apply for a visa, this may cost up to 120€ and may take up to 2-3 months to be issued. You will need the following to apply for a student visa:

  • Valid passport expiring no earlier than three months after your return home. At least one blank visa page.
  • Completed application form
  • One passport size photograph in colour
  • Copy of your travel itinerary with acceptance letter or confirmed reservation.
  • Valid ticket or other proof of departure arrangements.
  • Proof of sufficient financial means to support yourself during you stay.
  • Proof of health insurance coverage



  (+30) 69-56-46-53-73

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